The Journey

My journey of life is in my late 20's with some handful experience. I'll share whatever is in my way of life.

Try Prayer Power

Every problem can be solved and solved right if you pray.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (Book author of The Power of Positive Thinking)

Now it’s June 2020 and Covid-19 pandemic lock down continues in India . We have to stay in home and cooperate with the Maharashtra Government which is fighting with this Pandemic. In this fight of Covid-19 , the enemy is disappeared , we not see the enemy (virus). Still there is no correct medicine is available to treat this virus So We have only one option available is lock down . Researcher start finding the medicine till we have one option which is Try Prayer Power . We have to pray for our self , we have to pray for our state , we have to pray for our country and we have to pray for save the world as best as possible.So we have to stay home , and we got lot of time .

I used this time to complete my reading bucket list . In last week , i started reading one book which is The power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. In this book , there is one chapter which named as Try Prayer Power. This chapter impressed me a lot . The author of this book describe it amazingly. There are some points I noted while reading which I share here .

The author say that ” You can’t get a man physically healthy until you get him spiritually healthy”.

A famous psychologist says , “Prayer is the greatest power available to the individual in solving his personal problem. Its power astonishes me”

The Prayer power seems able even to normalize the aging process , obviating or limiting infirmity and deterioration.

Prayer can freshen you up every evening and send you out renewed each morning.You can receive guidance in problem is allowed to permeate your subconscious , the seat of the forces which determine weather you take right or wrong action.

Prayer has the power to keep your reactions correct and sound. Prayer driven deeply into your subconscious can remake you.

2 responses to “Try Prayer Power”

  1. Prayer is vital but takes effort to learn how to do. I am still working on it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your articles are extremely helpful to me. May I ask for more information?


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